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Mid Wales Opera presents CARNIVAL! A Garden Concert

Roll Up! Roll Up! And join the Friends of Mid Wales Opera as we embark on a journey into the enchanting world of “Commedia dell’arte” or “Carnival!” at Gregynog Hall, near Newtown!

Join us on Sunday 21st July, 2024, at 5pm, as we are transported into a jubilant jubilee of music and opera under the direction of the magnificent Charlotte Forrest, our maestro of melodies and master of the ivories, with scintillating singers Elen Lloyd Roberts, Robyn Lyn Evans and Steffan Lloyd Owen!

Tickets: £19 adults, £5 children.

Parking: £3.

Support Mid Wales Opera’s cause at this charity event. Charity No 1043391.



Dewch yn Llu! Dewch yn Llu! Ac ymunwch â Chyfeillion Opera Canolbarth Cymru wrth i ni gychwyn ar daith i fyd hudolus “Commedia dell’arte” neu “Carnival!” yn Neuadd Gregynog, ger y Drenewydd!

Ymunwch â ni ddydd Sul 21 Gorffennaf, 2024, am 5pm i gael eich cludo i jiwbilî orfoleddus o gerddoriaeth ac opera dan gyfarwyddyd Charlotte Forrest, maestro’r alawon a meistr yr ifori, gyda chantorion campus Elen Lloyd Roberts, Robyn Lyn Evans a Steffan Lloyd Owen!


Tocynnau: £19 i oedolion, £5 i blant. 

Parcio: £3.

Cefnogwch achos Opera Canolbarth Cymru yn y digwyddiad elusennol hwn. Elusen Rhif 1043391.

Book your ticket

Book at Hafren Box Office, online or phone 01686 948100

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  • Become a Friend

    Since 2019 Gregynog has been run by a charitable Trust. Our vision is to be Wales’ most welcoming home for nature and the arts. We have a huge amount of work to do to restore our Grade 1 listed gardens and repair the Grade 2 star listed hall. Our grounds are open to everyone, every day and we are run a varied programme of events from Fairy and Halloween Trails to classical concerts in our Music Room.

    We urgently need support both from volunteers and donations and every little helps so whatever you can do to support Gregynog please do get in touch.