Ensemble Cymru Music Concert


Ensemble Cymru launches The Music Room, a series of monthly chamber music concerts lasting 45 minutes at Gregynog Hall performed by our leading associate musicians.   

With music selected by Ensemble Cymru’s Programme Curator, Jonathan Lyness , we aim to give you, our audience, a glimpse of the extraordinary lives and creative world of Gwendoline and Margaret Davies of Gregynog Hall; great music and art philanthropists of the early 20th century in Wales.   Join us in (re)discovering with us joyful and entertaining music from the relatively lesser known to the masterpiece.   

Admission free.  Donations gratefully accepted. 



Gregynog – Saturdays 11:00am 

2024-25:  12 Oct, 9 Nov, 7 Dec, 11 Jan, 8 Feb, 8 Mar, 12 Apr, 10 May, 7 Jun, 12 Jul  




Bydd Ensemble Cymru yn lansio Yr Ystafell Gerdd, sef cyfres o gyngherddau cerddoriaeth siambr 45-munud o hyd yn Neuadd Gregynog a berfformir gan gerddorion cyswllt blaenllaw Ensemble Cymru.0 

Gyda cherddoriaeth wedi’i dewis gan Curadur Rhaglenni Ensemble Cymru, Jonathan Lyness , anelwn at roi cipolwg i chi, ein cynulleidfa, ar fywydau rhyfeddol a byd creadigol Gwendoline a Margaret Davies o Neuadd Gregynog; dyngarwyr mawr cerddoriaeth a chelf ar ddechrau’r 20fed ganrif yng Nghymru. Ymunwch â ni i ddarganfod cerddoriaeth lawen a difyr o’r cymharol lai adnabyddus i’r campwaith. 

Mynediad am ddim.  Derbynnir rhoddion yn ddiolchgar. 



Gregynog – Dydd Sadwrn 11:00yb 

2024-25:  12 Hyd, 9 Tach, 7 Rhag, 11 Ion, 8 Chwe, 8 Maw, 12 Ebr, 10 Mai, 7 Meh, 12 Gorff 


  • Become a Friend

    Since 2019 Gregynog has been run by a charitable Trust. Our vision is to be Wales’ most welcoming home for nature and the arts. We have a huge amount of work to do to restore our Grade 1 listed gardens and repair the Grade 2 star listed hall. Our grounds are open to everyone, every day and we are run a varied programme of events from Fairy and Halloween Trails to classical concerts in our Music Room.

    We urgently need support both from volunteers and donations and every little helps so whatever you can do to support Gregynog please do get in touch.