Mae’n ddrwg gennym, mae’r digwyddiad hwn eisoes wedi digwydd

HMS Wales Napoleonic Re-enactment

Climb aboard me hearties! come and join the crew of HMS Wales at Gregynog for their free weekend re-enactment and travel back in time to the days of Nelson’s Navy and the Napoleonic Wars!
– Meet and talk to the crew of HMS Wales – and perhaps join in with a Sea Shanty!
– Take on the Nelson Naval Challenge and find out if you could make it in Nelson’s Army!
– Hold a cutlass and a pistol
– Learn how to fire a ship’s canon
– Crack the code with our Signal Flags
– Learn what food was available on board a sail warship 200 years ago!
– Experience the fire power from the Age of Sail, with live demonstrations of our ship’s gun (canon)
– Watch as our Royal Marines and Sailors go head-to-head with a Musket live firing challenge – to find out who can fire 3 shots the quickest! – Cheer on your favourite
And much more!!
The cafe will be open 10 – 4 as usual with many tasty Georgian themed treats as we can muster. It is free to come and join us – just £3 to park – and there will be plenty to keep everyone busy all weekend so why not stay at Gregynog. Call 01686 650224 to book a room

Book your ticket

There is no need to book for this event just turn up on the day

Digwyddiadau sydd ar fin cael eu cynnal

  • Dod yn Gyfaill

    Ers 2019 mae plasty Gregynog wedi cael ei redeg gan Ymddiriedolaeth elusennol. Dod yn gartref
    mwyaf croesawgar Cymru ar gyfer natur a’r celfyddydau yw ein gweledigaeth. Mae gennym waith
    sylweddol o’n blaenau sef adfer ein gerddi rhestredig Gradd 1 ac atgyweirio’r neuadd Gradd 2 seren. Mae ein tiroedd ar agor i bawb, bob dydd, ac rydym yn cynnal rhaglen amrywiol o ddigwyddiadau o Lwybrau Tylwyth Teg a Chalan Gaeaf i gyngherddau clasurol yn ein Hystafell Gerdd.

    Mae taer angen cefnogaeth arnom, yn wirfoddolwyr ac yn rhoddion. Mae pob dim yn gymorth, felly
    cysylltwch â ni, beth bynnag yw’ch cyfraniad i gefnogi Gregynog.