Gregynog Young Musician Competition

Gregynog Young Musicians Competition – Finalists 2023

The Gregynog Young Musicians Competition was founded in 2005 and has become a very prestigious annual event.

Up to eighteen contestants are selected to perform in the semi-finals, in front of a panel of specialist adjudicators. This takes place on Saturday 16 November 2024. One winner from each category is chosen to perform in the Competition Final in the evening for the title of “Gregynog Young Musician of the Year”

Entrants are aged 18 and under and have reached Grade 8 or equivalent on any orchestral instrument, brass band instrument or percussion. The chosen finalists compete for a first prize of £3000 and the Peter Garbett-Edwards Trophy.

The winner is also invited to play at a concert here at Gregynog in June 2025.

Book your ticket

Tickets are being sold directly by Gregynog Young Musicians to order a ticket please email

During the daytime 10am – 5pm tickets are £10 – Friends of the Competition will be allowed in Free of Charge. Under 18’s are also free.

The evening Finals Concerts starts at 7pm and will be £18 per ticket, again under 18’s are free.

Digwyddiadau sydd ar fin cael eu cynnal

  • Dod yn Gyfaill

    Ers 2019 mae plasty Gregynog wedi cael ei redeg gan Ymddiriedolaeth elusennol. Dod yn gartref
    mwyaf croesawgar Cymru ar gyfer natur a’r celfyddydau yw ein gweledigaeth. Mae gennym waith
    sylweddol o’n blaenau sef adfer ein gerddi rhestredig Gradd 1 ac atgyweirio’r neuadd Gradd 2 seren. Mae ein tiroedd ar agor i bawb, bob dydd, ac rydym yn cynnal rhaglen amrywiol o ddigwyddiadau o Lwybrau Tylwyth Teg a Chalan Gaeaf i gyngherddau clasurol yn ein Hystafell Gerdd.

    Mae taer angen cefnogaeth arnom, yn wirfoddolwyr ac yn rhoddion. Mae pob dim yn gymorth, felly
    cysylltwch â ni, beth bynnag yw’ch cyfraniad i gefnogi Gregynog.