Mae’n ddrwg gennym, mae’r digwyddiad hwn eisoes wedi digwydd

Gregynog Forest Fairy Trail – Llwybr Tylwyth Teg

After a year of our fairy’s being in hibernation they are finally back at Gregynog!

Friday 23th, Saturday 24th, Sunday 25th and Monday 26th August – 10am to 4pm daily.
Our forest fairies are busy sprucing up their front doors for our Fairy Trail. Come and explore our woodland walks and follow the trail to find clues to where they are holding their fairy tea party.
Trail sheets cost £6. Collect your sheet from the Courtyard Cafe, unscramble the clues on the Fairy Doors and then come back to the Cafe for a strawberry milkshake or juice and a special fairy cake.
You’ll need your wellies on for walking in the woods and to keep your eyes wide open for fairy doors and clues.
See you soon and fancy dress fairies very welcome!
No need to book in advance, just come along over the weekend 10-4 and collect your trail sheet in the café! (drink and fairy cake included in price).
We are also offering Fairy Face Painting sessions at the end of the trail – in exchange for donations towards the cost of managing our gardens and woodland so please bring along a few pounds in cash!
  • Dod yn Gyfaill

    Ers 2019 mae plasty Gregynog wedi cael ei redeg gan Ymddiriedolaeth elusennol. Dod yn gartref
    mwyaf croesawgar Cymru ar gyfer natur a’r celfyddydau yw ein gweledigaeth. Mae gennym waith
    sylweddol o’n blaenau sef adfer ein gerddi rhestredig Gradd 1 ac atgyweirio’r neuadd Gradd 2 seren. Mae ein tiroedd ar agor i bawb, bob dydd, ac rydym yn cynnal rhaglen amrywiol o ddigwyddiadau o Lwybrau Tylwyth Teg a Chalan Gaeaf i gyngherddau clasurol yn ein Hystafell Gerdd.

    Mae taer angen cefnogaeth arnom, yn wirfoddolwyr ac yn rhoddion. Mae pob dim yn gymorth, felly
    cysylltwch â ni, beth bynnag yw’ch cyfraniad i gefnogi Gregynog.