Mae’n ddrwg gennym, mae’r digwyddiad hwn eisoes wedi digwydd

Llyr Williams Summer Concert

Welcome to the Llyr Williams Summer Concert. Join us for an unforgettable evening of beautiful music at Gregynog Hall, Mid Wales.

Get ready to be mesmerized by the incredible talent of Llyr Williams as he performs Beethoven Sonata op.31 no.2 “The Tempest” at the beginning of the concert and Beethoven Sonata op.53 “Waldstein” to close.

Llyr Williams will be joined by Ezo Sarici, violinist, who will perform a solo piece by contemporary composer Huw Watkins.

Llyr Williams is a renowned Welsh pianist, widely admired for his profound musical intelligence, and for the expressive nature of his interpretations. He has performed with orchestras around the world, including the BBC Symphony Orchestra and BBC National Orchestra of Wales and he also appears regularly at the BBC Proms in London.

Llyr Williams is CPRW’s Countryside Champion, and shares our vision and passion for protecting and conserving our beautiful landscapes in Wales. The concert is a fundraising event for CPRW, the revenue from all tickets purchased will go directly into protecting and caring for environment. We thank you in advance for purchasing a ticket and supporting CPRW.

Book now for our special early bird ticket price of £14.

Want to make a weekend of it and stay over at Gregynog? To book a room call 01686 650224 or email

Car Park £3

Digwyddiadau sydd ar fin cael eu cynnal

  • Dod yn Gyfaill

    Ers 2019 mae plasty Gregynog wedi cael ei redeg gan Ymddiriedolaeth elusennol. Dod yn gartref
    mwyaf croesawgar Cymru ar gyfer natur a’r celfyddydau yw ein gweledigaeth. Mae gennym waith
    sylweddol o’n blaenau sef adfer ein gerddi rhestredig Gradd 1 ac atgyweirio’r neuadd Gradd 2 seren. Mae ein tiroedd ar agor i bawb, bob dydd, ac rydym yn cynnal rhaglen amrywiol o ddigwyddiadau o Lwybrau Tylwyth Teg a Chalan Gaeaf i gyngherddau clasurol yn ein Hystafell Gerdd.

    Mae taer angen cefnogaeth arnom, yn wirfoddolwyr ac yn rhoddion. Mae pob dim yn gymorth, felly
    cysylltwch â ni, beth bynnag yw’ch cyfraniad i gefnogi Gregynog.