Movement & Sound Day Retreat with Gill and Maria

Gill and Maria are practitioners in the healing arts and together this retreat day has been created to bring back a deep sense of harmony in ourselves and our relationship to the beauty of our natural environment. Life’s demands sometime pull us away from the natural energy that is within us and may be absorbed by being present in nature and time to reconnect with our whole being. Mind, body, breath and spirit. Our intention for this day is to gentle guide you through movement from the earth to sky and sense our energy rising in the same way nature emerges some sapling to mighty oak. You will experience the harmonies of vibration sound from beautiful instruments delivered by Gill and sung.
It is a day that will allow you respite from all the demands of your day to day life in the most beautiful sensory experiential way.

We will provide a nurturing environment so you can leave feeling refreshed and relaxed and equipped with an ongoing self care routine beyond the retreat and head into December and the winter months with a positive outlook. Lunch and drinks are included.

For accommodation, please contact Gregynog Hall

Early Bird –
£135 until 25th of October

£150 after this date

To book please contact

we will lovingly look forward to sharing this day with you.

With Love
Gill & Maria

  • Dod yn Gyfaill

    Ers 2019 mae plasty Gregynog wedi cael ei redeg gan Ymddiriedolaeth elusennol. Dod yn gartref
    mwyaf croesawgar Cymru ar gyfer natur a’r celfyddydau yw ein gweledigaeth. Mae gennym waith
    sylweddol o’n blaenau sef adfer ein gerddi rhestredig Gradd 1 ac atgyweirio’r neuadd Gradd 2 seren. Mae ein tiroedd ar agor i bawb, bob dydd, ac rydym yn cynnal rhaglen amrywiol o ddigwyddiadau o Lwybrau Tylwyth Teg a Chalan Gaeaf i gyngherddau clasurol yn ein Hystafell Gerdd.

    Mae taer angen cefnogaeth arnom, yn wirfoddolwyr ac yn rhoddion. Mae pob dim yn gymorth, felly
    cysylltwch â ni, beth bynnag yw’ch cyfraniad i gefnogi Gregynog.